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  5. FSEA Review Process and Advisory Committee

FSEA Review Process and Advisory Committee


The Fee-for-Service Educational Activity (FSEA) application and rate review process is designed to provide the documentation needed to ensure the proposed FSEA unit will be operating within University policies and all applicable laws.  During the review process, the Auxiliary Accounting Office will meet with the department to ensure the Request to Operate a Fee-for-Service Educational Activity has been completed appropriately, and obtain any additional information such as:

  • Appropriate calculation of rates and allocation methodology
  • Support for the expected volume and units of measurement
  • Additional understanding of proposed services
  • Connection to the University and/or department’s primary mission
  • Expected usage of campus resources / impact on students or employees
  • Understanding of the potential customers (internal/external)
  • Confirmation of any support funding
  • Any other information required

The Auxiliary Accounting Office will summarize all obtained information in a memo to the Auxiliary Advisory Committee (see below for more information), including supporting documentation.  The Auxiliary Advisory Committee will review the documentation and communicate any additional concerns/questions to the Auxiliary Accounting Office, who will follow up with the department to resolve.

Tax Considerations

The Auxiliary Accounting Office will also ensure appropriate consideration has been given to the impact of Sales Tax and Unrelated Business Income Tax  for the proposed services.

Auxiliary Advisory Committee

An Auxiliary Advisory Committee has been established to facilitate the creation of Fee-for-Service Educational Activities by the University of Florida.  The Committee consists of representatives from Legal Services, IT Services, Division of Sponsored Research, Contracts and Grants, the University Controller, and others.  The Committee will recommend approval or denial of any Request to Operate a new FSEA form submission.

After the meeting, approved requests will be routed to the Senior Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer for final review and approval of the Request to Operate an FSEA form.  The Auxiliary Accounting Office will communicate the approval or denial of a proposed FSEA to the requesting department.

The Auxiliary Accounting Office will document minutes of all Committee meetings.

Last Reviewed

Last reviewed on 06/28/2024


FSEA Authoritative Guidance


Auxiliary Accounting: (352) 294-7236

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