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  5. Unrelated Business Income Tax
  6. UBI Questionnaire and Certification

UBI Questionnaire and Certification

The University requires departments to review activities that may be Unrelated Business Income (UBI) through the Annual Electronic UBI Questionnaire and Certification form that can be accessed by clicking “Complete UBI Certification” button.

Campus UBI Processing for FY2023 will begin on or after October 4, 2023.

Deadline to submit:

  • UBI Questionnaire and Certification: November 1, 2023
  • UBIT FS Template: November 1, 2023

Access to Forms

Complete UBI Certification

Find My UBI Certification

Need Help? Email ubi-tax@ad.ufl.edu


Detailed Instructions, Detailed Question Explanations, and a Sample Form are available for reference.

Step 1 – you will receive an email with departments/accounts selected for annual certification that directs you to complete the certification form, or you will receive an email that includes a link to the certification form because one was certified in the prior year.

Step 2 – The approver for the selected department must certify the responses for the reported activity.

Step 3 – Auxiliary Accounting will review the submission and contact you for any additional information. You will receive a notification email with a UBI determination for the fiscal year.

  • If your activity is not subject to UBI, an email notification of the determination will be sent to you for your records and no further action is necessary.
  • If your activity may be subject to UBI, an email notification will be sent to you to complete an additional Financial Statement for the activity.


Training Materials from the UBI Training Class are available for your review.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are available here.


The University of Florida is required to pay Federal income tax on net income from activities deemed unrelated to the exempt mission of the University.

Learn more about Unrelated Business Income (UBI).

Last Reviewed

Last reviewed on 06/28/2024


Auxiliary Accounting: (352) 294-7236


Tax Services: (352) 294-7266