Payment Card Newsflash #003
Any credit card merchant may encounter outages, such as sporadic ones experienced by card associations (Visa, MasterCard, Amex etc.), or lost communication on terminals. The result: one or more transactions executed through your payment processing system do not get settled and hence not funded to our bank account.
It is therefore imperative that you run a settlement report before the end of day to check for valid credits, duplicate sales, etc. so corrections can be made before you settle the terminal. It is always better to void an incorrect credit or charge on the same day – rather than having to reverse an erroneous transaction the next day.
This may be a good time to review the Ethics Certifications that you need to submit to Banking & Merchant Services regarding the staff that is currently involved in the storing, processing or transmission of credit card information. Please provide us with signed Certifications of any personnel that has not done so yet and notify us of staff members, who do not work at your merchant location anymore. We will need to take them off our payment card database.
Finally, it is finally up and running – our online ‘PCI Payment Card Security’ training module, that is! – Please feel free to use it and encourage your coworkers to take their training online:
As you know, according to the PCI DSS, ‘personnel (need to) attend awareness training upon hire and at least annually’.