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PO Box 115350
114 Elmore Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611-5350
Phone: (352) 392-5778
Fax: (352) 392-4687

Construction Accounting

Ruth Harris, Senior Associate Controller
Oversees Disbursements, Travel, Asset Management, Cost Analysis, Quality Assurance and Construction Accounting

Brenda Harrell, Associate Controller
(352) 294-1111
Manages and directs the day-to-day operations of Cost Analysis, Construction Accounting, Research Participant Payments, and Asset Management. Prepares the indirect cost proposal, management of space and effort reporting, and responsible for financial statement information for accounts receivable for contracts and grants and construction accounting funds.


Construction Project Cash Transactions, Review Processing and Financial Statements

Deborah Strickland, Assistant Controller
(352) 294-1139
Manages Construction Accounting operations; responsible for construction project close outs and PECO draws and reporting.  Assists with the development of the Indirect Cost Proposal and the Space Inventory and Allocation System.

Sam Hinshaw, Accountant I
(352) 294-6904
Supports Construction Accounting operations including setting up projects, assisting with invoices, reconciling ledgers, reviewing funding sources, and construction project close outs

Arieol Williams, Accountant II
(352) 294-1133
Processes construction close out requests and capitalization updates.  Review and approval of construction purchase orders.  Assists Assistant Controller with special financial reporting projects.

Angie Hyatt, Accountant II
(352) 294-6903
Assists with all functions of Cost Analysis and Construction Accounting including: Construction PO Change Orders, Construction Close out review, effort commitment.

Julie Stroud, Fiscal Assistant III
(352) 294-1140
Inputs invoices payments for construction accounting projects and allocating correct categories for depreciation of assets.


Financial Construction Project Management

Dan Walker, Contracts Administrator
(352) 273-4016

Edgar J. Morales-Melendez, Contracts Administrator
(352) 273-2410

Brandon Schlatterer, Contracts Administrator
(352) 273-4900

Jasmine England, Contracts Administrator
(352) 273-4593

TBD, Contracts Administrator
(352) 294-9049