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Cost Analysis
Cost Analysis facilitates the campus-wide effort certification process and conducts space allocation surveys. This area also completes Facilities & Administrative (FnA) rate proposals and specialized cost reports.
Staying Informed
Cost Analysis maintains 3 listservs based on myUFL security roles.To join a listserv, you have to have security to the system. Once you have security you will begin to receive notices. If you need to be removed from a list serve, removing your security for this task will take care of that issue.
Effort Certification List Serve
This listserv includes all Effort Coordinators who have security to the effort system. The Effort Coordinator Contact List can be found at the following link: Effort Coordinator Contact List.
All Effort List Serve
These notifications will address anyone who has security to the effort coordinator, faculty assignment reports initiator, effort view only, and academic activity reporting system security roles. The primary focus of these notifications is for effort open lab opportunities.
Space Allocation List Serve
Space Certifiers and Authorizers who have security to the space allocation system, to receive notices regarding any space allocation system changes, deadlines, and other training opportunities.
Research Participant Payments Listserv (HSP-L@LISTS.UFL.EDU)
This is an automatically generated listserv comprised of all employees with the security roles of: UF_FI_HSP_INITIATOR, UF_FI_HSP_PAYMENT_PROCESSOR, UF_FI_HSP_SFR_APPROVER, UF_FI_HSP_SFR_VIEWER, UF_FI_HSP_PMT_VIEWER
How Can We Help You?
Costing Guidelines
17 ArticlesThis section contains the University of Florida’s policies, directives and procedures on compliance with Cost Accounting Standards.
View allCosting GuidelinesDisclosures and Reporting
2 ArticlesThis section contains information regarding the 2 CFR 200 Audit and DS-2.
View allDisclosures and ReportingEffort Certification and Commitments
12 ArticlesEffort Certification and Effort Commitments are mandatory reporting tools to comply with State and Federal Guidelines. Certification is required each academic term.
View allEffort Certification and CommitmentsFacilities & Administrative (F&A) costs cannot be easily allocated to individual projects. These rates are negotiated with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
View allFacilities & Administrative (Indirect) Cost RatesSpace Allocation
8 ArticlesThe University of Florida requires that a space allocation survey be completed annually. This system aids in indirect cost proposal development, RCM budgeting, and the tracking of departmental rooms and room uses. The complete Space Management Guidelines document is available to assist departments. Click here to log into the Space Inventory and Allocation System.
View allSpace Allocation