Payments to Foreign Nationals or Nonresident Aliens (NRAs)
Information about hiring a foreign national for employment, or as an independent contractor or honorarium recipient, providing a scholarship/fellowship/award to a foreign national, or making a payment to foreign corporations performing services in the U.S.
Payments to Foreign Entertainers
Directive Statement This directive establishes the proper methods of making payments to foreign entertainers or athletes. Reason for Directive Payments... -
Tax Withholding for Payments to Foreign Nationals or Nonresident Aliens (NRA)
Directive Statement This directive establishes the proper methods of withholding tax for payments to foreign nationals or non-resident aliens (NRA),... -
Requirements for Payments to Foreign Nationals, Nonresident Aliens (NRAs)
Directive Statement This directive establishes the proper methods of making employment, independent contractor/honorarium, and fellowship payments to foreign nationals and... -
Research Participant Payments to Foreign Nationals
Directive Statement This directive establishes the proper methods of making payments to nonresident alien human subjects who receive compensation for... -
Foreign Suppliers
Directive Statement This directive establishes the proper methods of initiating a payment to any international supplier. Reason for Directive All... -
Foreign Honoraria
Reason for Directive UF is bound by U.S. immigration law and IRS regulations when making payments to foreign individuals. An...