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  5. Chartfield Changes and Maintenance

Chartfield Changes and Maintenance

Directive Statement

This Directive establishes the proper methods of changing and maintaining ChartFields.  When a University department or office undergoes an organizational change, such as a transfer to a new college/VP area or a merger with another unit, it is sometimes necessary to establish new Department ID codes to track its financial activity.

Reason for Directive

There are many transactions (HR, purchase orders, Pcards, etc.) related to a specific ChartFields.  Therefore, changing all of these to the new ChartFields can be labor-intensive, and such changes should be carefully considered.

Who must comply?

All UF departments.


Contact chartfield@admin.ufl.edu for information and forms regarding ChartField maintenance including activating, inactivating, or redefining.

Last Reviewed

Last reviewed on 06/28/2024


UF HR Toolkit – Chartfields


General Accounting & Financial Reporting: (352) 392-1326

Email: gahelp@ad.ufl.edu

UF Help Desk: (352) 392-HELP

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