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Department Approvers


myUF Marketplace requires two levels of approval for Non-PO Invoices (unencumbered).  There are two different roles for each level of department approver in myUF Marketplace:

  1. Department Level 1 Approver: This person will work and approve invoices within the department and can create Non-PO Invoices (there can be multiple for each Department ID)
  2. Department Level 2 Approver: This is the second level department approver which is commonly your department’s requisition financial approver and/or supervisor (there can be multiple for each Department ID)
  3. Department Level 3 Approver:This allows someone with the role UF _N_MKT_FINANCIAL_APPROVER to create non-PO invoices. This approver is commonly your department’s requisition financial approver and/or supervisor. There can only be one Level 3 Approver per user.

Financial approvers are responsible for the appropriate use of funds, ensuring monies are spent in accordance with the funding source, a valid business purpose is provided, and aligned with the intent of the fund.  Resources for assisting a Financial Approver are: (1) PRO302 – The Color of Money: A Guide to How Moneys May Be Spent at UF; and (2) Who Should be the Approver guidelines.

Important: Training information for myUF Marketplace invoice approval. After requesting the appropriate role, complete the Department ID myUF Marketplace Authorized Approver Form for Requisitions and Invoices and attach to Contact Form.

Whenever possible, there should be at least two approvers for department level 1 and level 2, so there is coverage when someone is out.

Why is a second approval required?

Non-PO Invoices (unencumbered) require a second approval to ensure there are at least two people involved in every transaction.  PO Invoices (encumbered) went through the approval process up front, before the purchase was completed.  Since Non-PO Invoices did not have that approval up front, the second level approval prior to payment provides that second set of eyes.  We are all human, and therefore, we can all make mistakes.  A second level of approval not only protects the University, but also the people involved in the transaction.  Remember – trust but verify!

Department Level 1 Approvers

  • Approve PO Invoices for payments
  • Enter a PO Invoice (for encumbered payments) or a Non-PO Invoice (for unencumbered payments) into the system
  • Add supporting documents, comments and attachments to invoices
  • Add ChartField information to invoices (to allocate the expense to the general ledger)

Department Level 2 Approvers

  • Approve Non-PO Invoices (second level) and PO Invoices that have not met the two-person approval rule in the myUF Marketplace
  • Enter a PO Invoice (for encumbered payments) – they cannot enter a Non-PO Invoice unless the Level 3 Approver form is completed
  • Add supporting documents, comments and attachments to invoices

Department Level 3 Approvers

  • Approve Non-PO Invoices that were created by users with the role UF_N_MKT_FINANCIAL_APPROVER. These users are normally Department Level 2 approvers for invoices and requisition financial approvers for purchase orders. These users must have either UF_N_MKT_REQUESTOR or UF_N_MKT_FINANCIAL_APPROVER and should be the supervisor over their non-PO creator
  • Enter a PO Invoice (for encumbered payments) – they cannot enter a Non-PO Invoice unless the Level 3 Approver form is completed.
  • Add supporting documents, comments and attachments to invoices

Key Differences

Only Department Level 1 Approvers can enter a Non-PO Invoice into myUF Marketplace for payment and add ChartField information to invoices.

Only Department Level 2 Approvers can give a final approval for Non-PO Invoice.

Last Reviewed

Last reviewed on 06/28/2024


Guide to Determining who Should be an Approver

Separation of Duties Overview


UF HR Toolkit – myUF Marketplace


Disbursements: (352) 392-1241

Contact Form