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Other ChartFields

Business Unit

For the myUFL General Ledger, the Business Unit ChartField represents a legal entity for reporting and auditing purposes.  This value will always be UFLOR.

Note:  The purchasing module uses the first four digits of the department ID (not UFLOR) as its sub-system Business Unit.

Budget Reference

The Budget Reference ChartField is designed to identify the components of the state appropriations budget.  There are two possible values:

  • CRRNT: The default value on all transactions, this represents the current year state appropriation
  • CYFWD: This stands for “carry forward” and identifies budget accumulated and not spent in prior years

All financial transactions require a Budget Reference value.  The funds that do not require the classification above will be automatically defaulted to CRRNT.

CRIS (Current Research Information System)

This is a required field for IFAS departments designed to meet the unique federal reporting requirements for units that cross funds, departments, and projects.

Source of Funds

The Source of Funds (SOF) is used to track both revenues and expenditures as they relate to a specific outside funding source.


This is an optional field that allows departments to track transactions based on the specific UFID of an employee.


The Project ChartField is used to identify project-related activity for the construction fund group and the contracts & grants fund group.  It allows for the segregation and tracking of project and grant activity at differing levels of budget control.

To look up current ChartFields in myUFL:

Main Menu > Financials > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Define Values > ChartField Values

  1. Click on the appropriate ChartField hyperlink to search for a list of values
  2. Follow any applicable instructions to search for the available values
  3. The search will yield a maximum of 300 rows – if the results exceed that, additional criteria will need to be added to narrow down the search

Last Reviewed

Last reviewed on 06/28/2024


UF HR Toolkit – Chartfields


Cost Analysis: (352) 392-5778

Contracts & Grants Accounting: (352) 392-1235

General Accounting & Financial Reporting: (352) 392-1326;

UF Help Desk: (352) 392-HELP

Disbursements: (352) 392-1241

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