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  6. Quick Facts for Space Certifiers

Quick Facts for Space Certifiers

What you need to know about Space as a Space Certifier

  1. Space reporting is for the entire Fiscal Year that the system is open. When allocating you will allocate for the entire year of that room’s usage.
  2. Space is a major factor in the Indirect Cost Allocation.
  3. There are four major categories that departments use for Space: Administration, Research, Instruction, and Other
  4. The primary space categories for departments that are in colleges are Departmental Administration (DA), Organized Research (OR), Departmental Research (DR), Other Sponsored Activities (OSA), Instruction (INST), Other Institutional Activities (OIA), Agriculture Extension, and Vacant/Renovated.
  5. The difference between Organized Research (OR) and Department Research (DR) is the Funding Source. It is OR if the payroll support comes from Fund 201, 209, 214 or IFAS Funds 103 or 221 that begin with a program code of 2. DR is salary support from all other funding sources.
  6. Interviewing the occupants of the space is the best way to get a general idea of the activities that go on in the space. It will ultimately be the primary occupant or faculty member’s responsibility to answer questions related to the space.
  7. If someone says the space is research, verify how those occupants are being funded to determine if it is Organized or Department Research.
  8. You must tour the space you are responsible for. Be sure to look for items like sofas, bicycles, and desks in lab space.
  9. Avoid common splits unless they are justified. For example, if you have research lab space and they are all coded 90%OR and 10% DR, it will be viewed as if no review of the space has actually been done.
  10. Reviewing effort records can help with space allocation. Space is rarely a strict match to effort records, however, it can indicate which activities a staff member may work on during the terms. If used it should start with the Summer in which the fiscal year begins, then Fall and Spring.
  11. The research lab service is often times coded the same as the research lab. An example of a difference is there may be a student desk in the lab, but not in the lab service area. When that is the case the lab area can assume 100% of that activity that is being used.
  12. A non‐UF Paid individual that occupies space (one month or more), must be allocated to space. This includes Emeritus Faculty, Visiting Researchers, or Other Volunteers. Does not include UF students. A percentage of allocation should be assigned to the OIA category for the estimated time they spend in that space.

What is the Training Needed?

RSH210 Space Allocations
Discusses the most essential concepts related to space, allocations categories, examples on how to allocation space, and how to use the space system.

What is the Specific Security Role?

To access the space system, you must have the UF_N_IND_COST_SP_ALLOC_CERTIFY role.

In order to have the appropriate access, you must also have your Department Security Administrator assignthe authority area making sure there is a semicolon behind the department ID that is needed.

Who Do I Contact for Questions, Training, or Assistance?

Cost Analysis – spacealloc@admin.ufl.edu; or (352) 392‐5778

Business Affairs ‐ Technical Services – (352) 273‐2287

Business Affairs ‐ Removing A Room or Adding a Room – (352) 273‐4006

Last Reviewed

Last reviewed on 06/28/2024

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