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  5. Responsibility for Compliance

Responsibility for Compliance

Principal Investigator

Responsibility for scientific and budgetary decision-making in Federal Sponsored Awards and for following the University of Florida guidelines is assigned to the Principal Investigator.  The Principal Investigator is responsible for giving the college, department or division instructions on specific allocation of funds.  Such instructions must comply with the guidance outlined in this document.


The college, department or division is responsible for implementing and monitoring compliance with these guidelines.  They are also responsible for providing Principal Investigators with the information necessary to fulfill their fiduciary and sponsored award management responsibilities.  The college is responsible for clearly delineating the division of responsibilities between the college and its departments and divisions.  The college, department, or division must maintain documentation that will permit auditing by internal or external auditors.  This documentation should be stored in institutional systems (i.e. attached to the voucher in myUFL), rather than in local systems, wherever possible.

University of Florida

The University accepts responsibility for creating uniform rules of conduct relating to management of sponsored programs and assuring compliance with the rules of such programs.  No matter how flexible, these guidelines will require substantial attention and effort in their implementation.  The University of Florida’s administration realizes that day-to-day responsibility for compliance rests with the Principal Investigators and unit fiscal personnel.

The University accepts responsibility for developing a set of operating principles and guidelines that comply with federal regulations, and that among other things, clearly delineate those sponsored program expenses it identifies as direct costs and indirect costs .  It takes responsibility for disseminating this information to all University of Florida faculty and staff, whether their work is supported by governmental or non-governmental sources.  The University administration takes responsibility for overseeing the implementation of these principles and guidelines.

Division of Sponsored Programs

The Division of Sponsored Programs supports the University in its mission to ensure fiscal integrity by reviewing all requests for exemptions allowing normally indirect costs to be charged directly.  The Division will engage in creation and update of all policy and procedures regarding Cost Principles.  The Division will assist in the development of training and educational materials related to Cost Principles.

Contracts & Grants Accounting Services

The Office of Contracts & Grants Accounting Services (C&G) supports the University in its mission to ensure fiscal integrity by reviewing all transactions posted to sponsored awards at least annually.  C&G will engage in creation and update of all policy and procedure regarding Cost Principles and will assist in the development of training and educational materials related to Cost Principles.

Office of Cost Analysis

The Office of Cost Analysis supports the University in its mission to ensure fiscal integrity performing quality assurance reviews of departments and the University’s fiscal transactions.  The department reviews items of cost to allocate to the appropriate cost pools during the indirect cost proposal development.  Cost Analysis will engage in creation and update of all policy and procedures regarding Cost Principles and assist in the development of training and educational materials related to Cost Principles.

Last Reviewed

Last reviewed on 06/28/2024


2 CFR 200 Quick Reference Guide

Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200

48 CFR 9905 – Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) for Education Institutions


RSH260: Cost Principles

RSH206: Cost Principles Advanced Topics

RSH282: UFIRST Awards

RSH212: Post Award Overview


Contracts & Grants: (352) 392-1235

Cost Analysis: (352) 392-5778

Division of Sponsored Programs: (352) 392-1582