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  5. Types of Invoices & Related Terms

Types of Invoices & Related Terms


The University of Florida uses myUFMarketplace to process invoices.  myUFMarketplace enables electronic invoices to flow directly from suppliers to UF departments for approval, eliminating extra steps and reducing paper in the process.

Types of invoices and their related terms at the University include:

  • Original invoice – An original invoice is required to ensure that the expenditure has not been previously paid by the department.  An invoice submitted for payment of an expenditure must be a legible document.  If a department is utilizing a copy of the invoice as its original, it must contain the statement “original invoice not available, department records show that this obligation has not been previously paid” with the signature of the person certifying the statement.
  • Duplicate invoice – myUFMarketplace and myUFL have the functionality to test for a duplicate invoice.  If a voucher is received with an invoice number that was previously input to the same supplier, an error message will be generated and must be resolved before the invoice can be processed further.  This is done to eliminate duplicate payments of an invoice.  Some transactions will use the same invoice number for the same supplier, such as with recurring payments.  The addition of the month to the end of the invoice number will eliminate the duplicate status.  It is the responsibility of the department to ensure that duplicate payments are not made to a supplier.
  • Taxes – As a body corporate of the State of Florida, the University of Florida is not required to pay sales tax.  Sales tax applied towards an invoice by a supplier should be removed before processing in myUFMarketplace. Sales taxes will only be allowed when reimbursing an employee for expenses purchased.  Use the University of Florida Sales Tax Exemption Certificate.
  • Split payments – A split payment consists of an invoice that is paid from multiple funding sources.  Multiple distribution lines on a voucher will be used to account for this type of transaction.
  • Justification – Invoices where the benefit to the University of Florida is not clearly evident should contain a statement describing how the expenditure will benefit UF.

Last Reviewed

Last reviewed on 06/28/2024


Disbursements: (352) 392-1241

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