W-2 Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQs (W-2)
- My address is not correct on the W-2 form I received. Do I need to take action or get a corrected W-2 form?
- There is nothing you need to do – this will not affect your tax return. Once your W-2 has been created, you will not be able to update the address on it.
- What paychecks are included in my W-2?
- The W-2 form includes all paychecks issued in the calendar year. In some years, there will be 26 paychecks while other years have 27 paychecks issued.
- Why don’t I have any Social Security or Medicare Wages reported on my W-2 form?
- The most common reason for this is that you are a student exempt from FICA taxes. You are exempt if all three of the following apply:
- You are an enrolled student for the current semester and have a student job (employed) at UF.
- You did not work more than 32 hours per week.
- You are enrolled at least half time.
For more information, please visit: https://www.fa.ufl.edu/directives/student-exemption-for-social-security-and-medicare-taxes-fica/
- I did not work for UF last year, so why did I receive a W‐2 form?
- For tax reporting purposes, wages are reported in the calendar year in which they are paid, rather than when they are earned. You may have worked during December of one prior year but were paid in the following year. Or, you may have received an accrued leave pay out, deduction refund, or similar payment in the year reported on your W-2.
- Who can I contact if I need tax advice or instruction on how to file my W‐2 form?
- UF cannot provide any tax advice. Please refer tax‐related questions to your tax preparer, personal accountant or refer to IRS.gov.
- What is the Employee Year-End Earnings Statement (EYES) and where can I find it?
- The Employee Year-End Earnings Statements (EYES) assist employees in comparing the amounts on their W-2 forms to the earnings, deductions, taxes, and net pay on their last paystub for the year. The EYES also includes other nontaxable items as well as the University’s contributions on behalf of the employees.
- The EYES statements may be accessed through myUFL at My Self Service > UF Employee Year End Statement.
- Why doesn’t the amount in Box 1 (Wages, Tips and Other Compensation) agree to the total gross earnings on my last paystub of the year?
- Box 1 contains your total federal taxable gross pay. Pre-tax deductions will mean your federal taxable gross pay is different than your total gross earnings for the year. Pre-tax deductions such as 403(b)/457(b) reduce taxable gross in Box 1 but DO NOT reduce Social Security in Box 3 and Medicare gross in Box 5.
- Why are Box 2 (Social Security wages) and Box 3 (Social Security tax withheld) blank?
- These boxes are most commonly blank if you had no reportable Social Security wages or tax withheld during the year. This is the case for temporary employees (Adjunct Faculty, Housestaff, Post Docs, OPS) who mandatorily contribute to the FICA Alternative Plan. Instead, you should see an amount reported in Box 14 Other labeled 401(a), which reports your contributions to the FICA Alternative retirement plan. Some foreign national employees may also have earnings that are exempted from Social Security tax.
- Why doesn’t the amount in Box 3 (Social Security Wages) agree to the total gross earnings on my last earnings statement of the year?
- Box 3 contains your total wages that are subject to Social Security taxes, which can differ from your total gross earnings for the year. Social Security’s Old‐Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program limits the amount of earnings subject to Social Security taxation for a given year. The limit, also known as the contribution and benefit base, is established by the IRS.
- Why doesn’t the amount in Box 5 (Medicare Wages) agree to the total gross earnings on my last earnings statement of the year?
- Box 5 contains your total wages subject to Medicare taxes, which can differ from your total gross earnings for the year. There is no annual limit on wages subject to Medicare withholding. However, you may be subject to an additional Medicare tax when your wages exceed an annual threshold amount.
- What is in box 12 on my W-2 form?
- Box 12 is where you will see all kinds of codes. Not all income coded at box 12 is taxable. The most common codes used at UF are:
C – Taxable cost of group-term life insurance over $50,000 (included in your wages at boxes 1, 3, and 5)
E– Elective deferrals under section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
G – Elective deferrals and employer contributions (including nonelective deferrals) to a section 457(b) deferred compensation plan
W – Employer contributions (including employee contributions through a cafeteria plan) to an employee’s health savings account (HSA)
BB – Designated Roth contributions under section 403(b) plan
DD – Cost of employer-sponsor sponsored health coverage (employee and employer portions) - What is in box 14 on my W-2 form?
- 132 – Before-tax parking deductions
125 – All before-tax deductions to health, life, dental, vision, flexible spending and other qualified plans
401a – Your contributions to the FICA Alternative Plan
414(h) – Mandatory retirement contributions. The FRS requires 3% employee contributions. These contributions, as required by s. 121.71(2), Florida Statutes, are treated for tax purposes as employer-paid employee contributions (commonly called an employer pick-up) under Internal Revenue Code section 414(h)(2).
14S1 – FFCRA Paid Sick Leave – EE
14S3 – FFCRA Paid FMLA
Current Employees (W-2)
- How do I consent to receive my W-2 form electronically and opt out of a paper copy?
- You can consent now to retrieve your copy in myUFL using the navigation: My Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > W-2/W-2c Consent
- I am a current employee and have misplaced my paper W-2 form and the deadline is approaching to file my tax return, can I get another copy?
- Option 1 – Access an electronic W-2 form:
- Beginning February 15, 2021, you can retrieve your W-2 form by going to one.uf.edu/w-2
- Click on “Log in with GatorLink”
- Login using your GatorLink and password
- Once you have completed the verification step, a PDF copy of your W-2s and Employee Year-End Statements will be available to download or print.
Option 2 – Receive a mailed W-2:
Beginning February 15, 2021, please send a duplicate request form by going to: https://www.fa.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/W-2-or-1042S-Duplicate-Request-Form.pdf
Please allow 1-2 weeks for processing and mailing.
Former Employees (W-2)
- I never received my W-2 form in the mail. How do I receive my W-2 form if I am no longer employed at UF?
- If you left UF less than 18 months ago, you will be able to request access to retrieve your form electronically.
- 1. You can retrieve your W-2 form by going to one.uf.edu/w-2
2. Click on “Log in with GatorLink”
3. Login using your GatorLink and password
4. Once you have completed the verification step, a PDF copy of your W-2s and Employee Year-End Statements will be available to download or print. - If you left UF more than 18 months ago, please send a duplicate request form: https://www.fa.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/W-2-or-1042S-Duplicate-Request-Form.pdf
- I am a former employee who left UF within the last 18 months. I know my UFID and GatorLink, but my password has expired or I no longer remember it. How do I get my form?
- You can still retrieve your W-2 form by going to one.uf.edu/w-2 after resetting your password. Please visit the following website for instructions on how to reset your password: http://identity.it.ufl.edu/process/gatorlink/changing-your-password/. If you have any issues, please contact the UFIT Help Desk at (352)392-HELP [4357]
- I am a former employee who left UF within the last 18 months. I no longer know my GatorLink, UFID, or my password. How do I get my form?
- To access your form electronically through the One.UF webpage, please call the UFIT Help Desk at (352)392-HELP [4357] for help in resetting your password to enable you to log in. They should be able to assist you with logging into one.uf.edu/w-2 to retrieve your W-2 form.
- I am a former employee, what do I need to know about obtaining my W-2 Form?
- Refer to the Form W-2 Guidance for Former Employees handout.
Foreign National Employees (W-2, 1042-S)
- When will the 1042-S form be ready?
- Generally, 1042-S forms are ready in late February. It will be mailed by the 15th of March. If you do not provide consent in FNIS to obtain your 1042-S electronically, there will be a significant delay in getting your form.
- How do I consent to receive my 1042-S electronically?
- You will receive an email with instructions on how to provide your consent in FNIS (Foreign National Information System) to receive your 1042-S form electronically. If you do not provide consent, your 1042-S form will be mailed.
- I am a non-resident alien, and some of my earnings are exempt from Federal taxation due to an Income Tax Treaty between the US and my home country. Why did I receive a W‐2 form?
- Generally, non-resident alien employees will receive an IRS 1042‐S form to document any earnings entirely covered by an approved tax treaty. However, it is common for some non-resident alien employees to receive a W‐2 form for some of their income. Examples include employees who have become residents for tax reporting purposes during the year, where tax treaty income dollar limits or time limits have been exceeded, or under other special circumstances.
- Since I am a non-resident alien, am I exempt from FICA taxes?
- It depends upon your visa status and time present in the United States. The Nonresident Alien (NRA) FICA exception under Section 3121(b)(19) exempts an NRA employee in F-1, J-1, Q-1 status.
- What does it mean if I try to retrieve my W-2 and it says I do not have one?
- This means that you most likely will receive a 1042-S form if you had earnings during the year.